Ms. Porter's 5th Grade Class


Hi I'm Ms. Porter and I am excited to be your child's 5th grade teacher!

My teaching philosophy is that students will become self-directed learners, engaged citizens, critical thinkers and team players. Students need to be prepared for what the twenty-first century will throw at them. The times we live in are a digital age where competition is everywhere. Students need to have problem solving skills that they can use to be successful in all walks of life. In my classroom I find the individual student should be the center of the learning that occurs. While following the standards, students should be accountable for their learning and take a hands on approach in finding success. My classroom is designed to have students invested in their own learning through the use of Dr. Robert Marzano’s research. In my class students will be using technology, creating projects, and facilitating discussions around the Florida State Standards. I find this approach the key to success for my students on state assessments as well as acquiring the knowledge needed to  build on for the next school year.

You can learn more about me by clicking on the about me section at the top.  Also you can contact me at

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Jessie Porter Elementary School

123 ABC Street

Schoolville, FL 12345

(727) 555-2020



Have Fun!
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